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Tips 3 years ago

Organizing Your Life With Nicola Masterson

On March 26th Heaps Estrin was delighted to host Nicola Masterson, founder of Space in the City, to speak at our third webinar of 2021.

Nicola is a dedicated organization professional. She knows how to efficiently organize so that you can enjoy your home without the “noise” of unnecessary clutter in your way.

During our webinar, Nicola was able to provide great advice and strategy on decluttering and organizing your home. We’ve pulled three of the best tips that Nicola outlined in our webinar:

1) Whether you tackle it as part of a downsizing effort or to simplify your life, decluttering an entire home is a big job. The best way to tackle it is in stages—focus on one room, one space, or even one zone within a room (like your kitchen’s junk drawer), completing the job fully before moving on to the next space. This will also build confidence as you experience visible success at each step.

2) Organizing can be stylish as well as functional! Nicola suggests investing in decorative storage containers that are appealing to you. These bins can be stored in cabinets, on top of shelves or anywhere else that will look nice, with each bin having a specific home for your items. If you decide to keep these bins are in the living room, you may want to keep extra blankets, board games or kid’s toys in them. When everything has a home, your day-to-day tidying becomes simplified!

3) Decluttering doesn’t have to take all day. Nicola uses a trick that she calls “Tea and Tidy” to fully maximize her time in the day and declutter her house bit by bit. While waiting for her afternoon tea to boil and steep, Nicola will do a “speed clean” of what’s around her. If you’re not a tea drinker, she suggests putting on a tv show and trying to declutter and tidy as much as possible within the length of the show. Multitasking is key to making your life easier.


These three tips are just a few of the things that Nicola had to share during her presentation. If you would like to further your decluttering and organizing knowledge, watch the recording below and get inspired to spring clean like a pro.

If you have any questions about Nicola or our webinars, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at
