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News 9 months ago

A Fresh Look at Toronto's Condo Market: Heaps Estrin Weighs In

In a comprehensive analysis of Toronto’s condo market, a recent article by the Toronto Star highlights the diverse pricing landscape that potential buyers can explore. From luxury condominiums in prime locations like Rosedale to affordable condos in areas such as West Hill and Centennial Scarborough, Toronto’s real estate offers a wide range of opportunities.

Summarized Article: Toronto Star

New Insights from Zoocasa’s Analysis

Utilizing July’s median condo prices provided by Zoocasa and the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board, the report showcases significant variations in condo pricing across Toronto’s vibrant neighbourhoods. High-end condos are prominently located along the Yonge subway line, while budget-friendly options emerge in transit-challenged regions.


Source: Zoocasa

Appealing Neighborhoods at Various Price Points

Buyers seeking both affordability and convenience might find areas like High Park North, Junction, Regent Park, and St James Town appealing. These regions present a mix of new condo developments and strategically located properties, adding to Toronto’s condo market appeal.

Cailey Heaps on Hidden Gems

Cailey Heaps, CEO of the Heaps Estrin brokerage, highlights Leaside, Thorncliffe Park, and Flemingdon Park as underestimated markets within Toronto’s real estate scene. With fresh condo developments surfacing at noticeably lower prices compared to Rosedale, Heaps accentuates the allure of these neighbourhoods.

“There’s all kinds of new condo product in Leaside where there hasn’t been much over the years,” and the price is “noticeably lower” than say Rosedale, “yet the neighbourhood is very appealing,” she said

Toronto’s Condo Affordability

Despite these options, the average price of a Toronto condo remains a steep $753,520 as of July. More expansive options for families, or even those with pets, remain scarce, pushing buyers to explore locations outside of Toronto.

Final Thoughts

This Toronto Star analysis paints a multifaceted picture of Toronto’s condo market, providing insights valuable to both first-time buyers and seasoned investors. Cailey Heaps’ expert insights contribute valuable local knowledge, illuminating the opportunities and dynamics of Toronto’s ever-evolving market.

Read the original article here for full details and insights from other industry experts.

